kuat arus maksimum dari rangkaian adalah

E. 2square root of 2 A


R = 12 ohm ; L = 0,075 H ; C = 500 straight muF

straight omega  equals  200  rad divided by straight s

Pertama-tama hitung terlebih dahulu reaktansi kapasitif dan reaktansi induktif pada rangkaian RLC.

straight X subscript straight c  equals  1 over ωC  equals  fraction numerator 1 over denominator left parenthesis 200 right parenthesis left parenthesis 500  cross times  10 to the power of negative 6 end exponent right parenthesis end fraction  equals  10  ohm

 straight X subscript straight L  equals  ωL  equals  left parenthesis 200 right parenthesis left parenthesis 0 comma 075 right parenthesis  equals 15  ohm

Hitung impedansi rangkaian :

straight Z  equals  square root of straight R to the power of blank squared end exponent  plus  left parenthesis straight X subscript straight L  minus  straight X subscript straight C right parenthesis squared end root

Z  equals  square root of left parenthesis 12 right parenthesis squared  plus  left parenthesis 15  minus  10 right parenthesis squared end root

straight Z  equals  square root of 144  plus  25 end root

straight Z  equals  square root of 169  equals  13  ohm

Besarnya kuat arus listrik maksimum yang mengalir pada rangkaian RLC adalah :

straight I subscript maks  equals  straight V subscript maks over straight Z

straight I  equals  26 over 13  equals  2  straight A