larutan yang bersifat basa adalah

Larutan bersifat basa, apabila ….

A. open square brackets H to the power of plus sign close square brackets double bond open square brackets O H to the power of minus sign close square brackets

B. open square brackets H to the power of plus sign close square brackets greater or equal than open square brackets O H to the power of minus sign close square brackets

C. open square brackets H to the power of plus sign close square brackets less or equal than open square brackets O H to the power of minus sign close square brackets

D. open square brackets H to the power of plus sign close square brackets greater than open square brackets O H to the power of minus sign close square brackets


Pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah E.

Suatu larutan dapat bersifat asam, basa, atau netral bergantung dari perbandingan konsentrasi ion hidrogen dan ion hidroksida yang terdapat dalam larutannya.

  • Jika  open square brackets H to the power of plus sign close square brackets less than open square brackets O H to the power of minus sign close square brackets, larutan bersifat basa.
  • Jika open square brackets H to the power of plus sign close square brackets greater than open square brackets O H to the power of minus sign close square brackets, larutan bersifat netral.

Jadi, senyawa bersifat basa jika bold open square brackets H to the power of bold plus sign bold close square brackets bold less than bold open square brackets O H to the power of bold minus sign bold close square brackets.


Originally posted 2022-03-05 16:53:32.