COUGH SYRUP Composition Secretolytic agent 5ml Elixir bromhexine HCL 4 mg. Indicator For productive cough i.e to influenza, flu, cough in acute/chronic, bronchitis, and asthma. Dosage Elixir Adult and children > 10 year : 3 x 2 tsp. Children 5 – 10 years : 3 x 1 tsp. Children 2 – 5 years : 3 x 1/2 tsp.Children
- it contains sugar
- it is free from sugar
- it has good composition
- it is safe for all the disease
- Semua jawaban benar
Jawaban: B. it is free from sugar.
Dilansir dari Ensiklopedia, cough syrup composition secretolytic agent 5ml elixir bromhexine hcl 4 mg. indicator for productive cough i.e to influenza, flu, cough in acute/chronic, bronchitis, and asthma. dosage elixir adult and children > 10 year : 3 x 2 tsp. children 5 – 10 years : 3 x 1 tsp. children 2 – 5 years : 3 x 1/2 tsp.children
Itulah tadi jawaban dari COUGH SYRUP Composition Secretolytic agent 5ml Elixir bromhexine HCL 4 mg. Indicator For productive cough i.e to influenza, flu, cough in acute/chronic, bronchitis, and asthma. Dosage Elixir Adult and children > 10 year : 3 x 2 tsp. Children 5 – 10 years : 3 x 1 tsp. Children 2 – 5 years : 3 x 1/2 tsp.Children , semoga membantu.
Kemudian, Buk Guru sangat menyarankan siswa sekalian untuk membaca pertanyaan selanjutnya yaitu Perhatikan contoh bentuk kerja sama berikut! 1) Treaty on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters/MLAT, 2) ASEAN Convention on Counter Terrorism/ACCT, 3) Defence Ministers Meeting/ADMM, 4) ASEAN Committee on Disaster Management/ACDM, 5) ASEAN Council of Teachers Convention /ACT. Pernyataan di atas yang merupakan contoh nyata kerja sama politik dan keamanan di ASEAN ditunjukkan pada nomor? dengan penjelasan jawaban dan pembahasan yang lengkap.